January 2022 Program Meeting - The History and Legacy of the Indian Boarding Schools at the University of Minnesota Morris

January 2022 Program Meeting - The History and Legacy of the Indian Boarding Schools at the University of Minnesota Morris

LWV ABC Program Meeting


Online via Zoom
Zoom Link will be sent to members by email, Non-members should email lwvabc@gmail.com for Zoom Link
Minnesota US
Monday, January 10, 2022 - 6:30pm

Time:  6:30 pm Socializing,  7:00 pm Program

UMN Morris Acting Chancellor Janet Schrunk Ericksen will discuss the background of the Indian Boarding Schools that operated at the current UMN Morris site and the challenges with learning more about them, including locating unmarked burials.

UMN Morris alumni Jennifer Simon (Cheyenne River Lakota), member of the UMN Morris American Indian Advisory Committee and Director of Indian Education for Minneapolis Public Schools, will discuss the impact and trauma of Indian Boarding Schools on our youth today.

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