Northern Lights Express: Is This the Year? - February 2023 Program Meeting

Northern Lights Express: Is This the Year? - February 2023 Program Meeting

Northern Lights Express.  All Aboard!  Northern Lights Express passenger rail between Minneapolis and Duluth


Online via Zoom
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Minnesota US
Monday, February 13, 2023 - 6:30pm

6:30 pm Online Socializing

6:45 Online Quiz for African American History Month

  7:00 pm Program

Northern Lights Express (NLX) is a proposed higher speed train project to connect Minneapolis and Duluth with stops in Coon Rapids, Cambridge, Hinckley, and Superior. The Federal Railroad Administration completed an environmental review and approved the service development plan in early 2018.  The project has come close to a funding package in recent legislative sessions. Is this the year? Bills have been introduced to provide $99 million in state funds, unlocking up to $396 million in a federal match. 

Our guest speaker,  Jill Brown, a resident of Blaine (moving soon to Anoka), is a public information consultant for the NLX Alliance, a joint powers board of government entities along the 155 miles of existing track.  

Learn more about the Northern Lights Express at MnDOT.   


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