This toolkit is intended for use by County Sheriffs, Jail Administrators, and other Jail staff to help ensure voting is accessible in your county jail.
Four Ideas to Make Voting Accessible in Your County Jail
Have a clear policy and procedure about jail voting. We can help. Ask us for sample policy and procedure documents that incorporate best practices from county jails around the state.
Make information about how to vote easily accessible on kiosks, tablets, via posters etc. Allowing jail residents access to websites like MyVote.wi.gov and VOTE411.org will allow those voters to access information about how to register to vote, request an absentee ballot, and find unbiased information about the candidates on their ballot. Posters and other printed materials made available in common areas can similarly make information about voting easily accessible.
Provide training for key staff on voting. Again we can help by providing training for staff, training resources for staff, and/or assisting with forming connections with local election officials who can provide training.
Partner with community organizations. Community organizations like the League of Women Voters and Chippewa Valley Votes can provide volunteers and help plan opportunities for jail residents to learn about the voting process and assistance to register to vote and request an absentee ballot.
Resources Specific to Voting in the Jail Setting
- Voter Registration and Voting Guide for County Jails
- Voter Education for Incarcerated Citizens Slideshow (updated 03/01/23)
- Voter Registration Training Slide Show (updated 2023)
- Voter Registration and Absentee Voting Flowcharts
- Sample Jail Voting Event Posters
- Example Jail Voting Policies and Handbooks
Suggested Websites to Make Available on Kiosks/Tablets
- MyVote.WI.Gov
- Elections.WI.Gov
- VOTE411.org (Unbiased Information about the Candidates)
- VoteRiders.org (Photo ID Help)
Voter Registration Resources
- Voter Registration Application Forms, Wisconsin Election Commission
- Note: This page has links to voter registration forms in English, Spanish and Hmong.
- My Vote Wisconsin: Register and check your voter status at MyVote.Wi.Gov
- Complete Guide to Voting in Wisconsin and the Photo ID Law, Wisconsin Election Commission
- Guides for Acceptable Proof of Residence:
- Voter Registration Fact Sheet, Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition: View fact sheet here (accessible pdf).
Photo ID Resources
- Acceptable Photo ID Guide: View image and document here.
- Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles (MMV) Voter ID Helpline T 844-588-1069
- Bring It to the Ballot, https://bringit.wi.gov/
- Accessing Free Voter ID Help - VoteRiders; call (414)882)8622
Understanding the difference between Proof of Residence and Photo ID
Election Dates
Resources for Voters with Criminal Convictions
- Wisconsin Election Commission Guide: Ex-Felons, Incarcerated Voters
- Sample DOC Discharge Certificate
- Voting in Wisconsin After a Criminal Conviction Flyer
- Sample Rights Restoration Conversation Checklist
- Rights Restoration Conversation Sample Script
- Wisconsin Voting Rights for Persons with Criminal Convictions
- EXPO -Ex-incarcerated People Organizing.
Resources for Voters with Disabilities
- Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition: https://disabilityvote.org/
- Voting Rights Fact Sheet:
Resources for Homeless Voters
- Homeless voter information guide
- Wisconsin Election Commission's webpage with information for homeless voters
- Proof of Residence Options for Homeless Voters
Help with Voting Questions
- Your municipal clerk: myvote.wi.gov/en-US/MyMunicipalClerk
- Wisconsin Elections Commission: 866-VOTE-WIS/868-3944 (staffed Mon – Fri from 7:45 AM – 4:30 PM/ longer hours on Election Day)
- Email: elections [at] wi.gov Website: https://elections.wi.gov/
Karen Voss, Co-Coordinator, Chippewa Valley Votes, karensvoss [at] gmail.com
Eileen Newcomer, League of Women Voters WI, Voter Education Manager, enewcomer [at] lwvwi.org
Wisconsin Election Protection Call 866-687-8683 or text “Our Vote” to 97779. Non-partisan assistance from volunteer attorneys
- DMV Voter ID Hotline: (844) 588-1069. Apply for a free Photo ID for voting at the Wisconsin Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
- Vote411.org: nonpartisan information about the candidates
- Disability Rights Wisconsin Voter Hotline: 844-DIS-VOTE/ 844-347-8683 email: info [at] disabilityvote.org
- EXPO -Ex-incarcerated People Organizing.