This year UMRR will focus on the ties that bind us, and how we can work together more effectively.
Each paid member League can send one delegate. All members from local Leagues are welcome to attend, but will be asked not to vote when voting occurs.
Guest Speakers:
Jessica Rolhoff, Midwest Regional Organizer for LWV US will give an update (and answer questions) about the LWV US transformation plan, introducing this new LWV US initiative (regional reps) to our members.
Joy Guscott-Mueller, Chair of the Water Team for the LWVUS Climate Interest Group and Chair of LWV Lake Michigan Region. The Climate Interest Group is a group of League members from across the United States working together to fight climate change. She's also the Chair of LWV Lake Michigan Region, the other regional, multi-state Inter-League Organization focused on a major water body. Joy will talk to us about how the work of the Climate Interest Group strengthens the work of ILOs and our member Leagues.
5:30 - open meeting, social time
6:00 - begin business meeting
7:00 - Jessica Rohloff, LWV US Regional Representative
7:30 - Joy Guscott-Mueller, LWV US Climate Interest Group