Program Making at the State Level
Each fall, local Leagues should plan to review the LWV WI State Positions. Our positions are developed after a 1 or 2 year study that is proposed to and voted on by the full membership at Annual Meeting. They are always nonpartisan and allow us to take a firm stance on issues ranging from education to reproductive rights and beyond.
In 2024, this presentation was developed for a training on what Program Making is, how to hold a Program Making Meeting with your local League membership, how to review the LWVWI Position Papers, and how to suggest new studies and/or edits/revisions to current positions.
We know that reviewing every position on a yearly basis is not feasible for local Leagues, so we encourage Leagues to focus on a few positions and rotate, or develop another system for batching positions to review on an annual basis.
Remember, as a local League you can (and are encouraged) to use any LWVWI or LWVUS position to advocate and educate in your community, so this is an important job!
What you'll need to complete the Program Making process for State:
- Program Making Packet 2024-2025 (this is revised yearly and includes extensive information and ideas on how to appropriately review positions including through a DEI lens. It also provides deadlines for submitting new study suggestions as well as a glossary of terms)
- Program Making Report Form - PDF (this is due February 21, 2025 and is how your League submits information on edits/revisions to current positions as well as any new study suggestions your League wants brought to the LWVWI Board for consideration)
- Program Making Report Form - Google Form (same as above, but this is an online form with no requirement to print and send a physical document)
- Program Making Packet Training Presentation (PowerPoint from 2024 with explanations, helpful hints and how to conduct the Program Making Meeting with your membership)
Program Making at the National Level
Similarly, local Leagues should plan to review the LWV United States Positions (aka Impact on Issues). The process is much the same as above, though you can find specific materials for National's Program Making requirements below.
What you'll need to complete the Program Making process for National:
- Overview of the Program Planning Process & Program Planning Instructions 2024-2026
- Program Planning Survey Form (deadline not yet set; this and is how your League submits information on edits/revisions to current positions as well as any new study suggestions your League wants brought to the LWVUS Board for consideration)
If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to lwvwisconsin [at] lwvwi.org