A Walworth County Member-at-Large Registers College Students
September 2, 2023
A motivated resident of Walworth County, Patt Heise, joined the League as a Member-at-Large in May after discovering there was no local League in her area. However, that hasn’t stopped her from impacting the community on her own in a big way!
September 5th and 6th, Patt has been invited to table at Gateway Community and Technical College, where she will help students register to vote as they prepare for the first days of the fall semester. With the help of Joe Dubaniewicz, member of LWV Milwaukee, there will be League presence at both the Elkhorn and Burlington campuses.
We are happy to support Patt in her ambitions to reach the young population in Walworth County while representing the League. Our Members-at-Large are powerful forces making big impacts in their neighborhood.