League in the Spotlight - Manitowoc County

League in the Spotlight - Manitowoc County

Member's Spotlight

LWV MANITOWOC COUNTY experienced a dramatic ripple effect of programming last month when, after sponsoring an issues forum, “Facing Hunger in Manitowoc County: The Growing Challenge,” a local endowment fund reacted by launching a fundraiser in support of several Manitowoc-area food pantries.  The league’s forum joined voices from the local Food Share, Meals on Wheels, area food pantries, Grow-it-Forward, and TEFAP (Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program) to shed light on the growing number of food insecure individuals and families living in Manitowoc County.  After reading a news article on the program, the Reis Endowment Fund of Two Rivers sent a letter to the newspaper announcing it would match $1 for every $3 donated to a pantry fund up to $7,500.00.  League Poverty Study Committee member Julie Grinde stated, “Other leagues need to know that our community information programs can have a dramatic impact.” 

View the Manitowoc County League’s Facing Hunger Issues Forum on YouTube.

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