Time for another Ballot Bulletin where we highlight various election security topics so we are all better informed about the processes in place to ensure our elections are fair, accessible, and secure.
Here in Wisconsin we must acknowledge that not everyone is eligible to vote - whether due to age, citizenship status, a guardianship decision, or due to a felony conviction. We must also recognize that our fellow Wisconsinites with criminal convictions - our family, friends, neighbors, and fellow community members - are not defined by the acts that led to their felony convictions. As the League of Women Voters we believe that every voice matters - and that includes our brothers and sisters with criminal convictions. Our democracy is better when we are all able to participate.
So what does the current law in Wisconsin say about voter eligibility for Wisconsinites with criminal convictions?
You can vote if you…
were convicted of a felony and you are “off paper” (you are not on parole, probation, or extended supervision)
are in jail on Election Day but have not yet been convicted of a felony or pled guilty to a felony
were convicted of a misdemeanor, whether you are in jail or not
You cannot vote if you…
are in prison or on probation, on parole or supervision for a felony or misdemeanor bribery or treason
Rights Restoration
Wisconsinites with felony convictions automatically have their voting rights restored after they have completed their felony sentence including probation, parole, or extended supervision. Once voting rights have been restored, those individuals must re-register to vote in order to participate in future elections. They can do so online at myvote.wi.gov, by mail, or in person.
Unfortunately, many people who have completed their felony sentence are not informed or are otherwise unaware that their right to vote has been restored. This is a gap in information that we all bear responsibility for addressing. Please help spread the word. Talk with your family and friends. If you or someone you know has questions, contact the Election Protection Hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE.