On Nov. 3, The League of Women Voters of North Carolina (LWVNC) held a public Zoom training outlining the post-election canvass process in North Carolina. A recording of the presentation is now available to watch on YouTube.
Canvass is the process of determining that the votes have been counted and tabulated correctly, culminating in the authentication of the official election results. The League encourages the public to attend meetings of their county board of elections and witness the canvass process. Meetings are scheduled throughout the canvass period, which ends on Nov. 15 at 11 a.m., when all county boards of elections will meet to certify the election results.
The League has produced a 2024 Canvass Guide with further details. Many League members and volunteers will attend canvass meetings as part of the organization’s County Boards of Election Monitoring Project. As part of that program, observers learn about all aspects of the voting process to better educate community members and provide opportunities to advocate for improved access and confidence in our elections.
“A large majority of issues we see with ballots at canvass can be addressed through better voter outreach and education,” said LWVNC Vice President Marian Lewin. Those issues can include problems with updating voter registration, administrative errors, a voter casting a ballot in the wrong precinct, a voter not having an acceptable photo ID, and more.
"Observing the Boards of Election in my county and an adjacent county deepens my understanding of the process and helps me be a more knowledgeable citizen and poll worker. It also helps tremendously with questions we get during registration events and at the polls. People ask some pretty sophisticated questions,” said League member Cheryl Williams of Madison County.
NCSBE Memo on Canvass and Provisional Ballots
Election Protection Hotline - 866-687-8683 – if you see anything that might need immediate attention.