Amendment Overview
Wisconsin voters will be asked one question to amend (change) the constitution on their April ballot. This amendment, the sixth proposed by the legislature in the last year, is another example of the legislature attempting to bypass the authority of the executive and judicial branches through the constitutional amendment process, while denying voters the ability to propose their own citizen-led ballot initiatives.
Whether you love it or hate it, Wisconsin already has a strict voter ID law on the books. This constitutional amendment seeks to enshrine Wisconsin’s voter ID law in the state constitution. While the amendment would not significantly alter the current voter ID law, it would make it harder to remove the photo ID requirement and limit the court's ability to protect voters disenfranchised by the law.
The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin knows that if this amendment is passed it will be harmful to the people of our state. We urge voters to VOTE NO on this question.
The Question
Voters must be prepared to answer this question in the April 1, 2025 election.
❌Question: “Photographic identification for voting. Shall section 1m of article III of the constitution be created to require that voters present valid photographic identification verifying their identity in order to vote in any election, subject to exceptions which may be established by law?”
What does a “Yes” or a “No” vote mean?
A “yes” vote - supports the changes to the constitution. A “yes” vote supports adding language to the state constitution to require valid photo identification to vote and authorizing the state legislature to pass laws to determine what qualifies as valid photo identification and exceptions to the requirement.
A “no” vote - opposes the changes to the constitution. A “no” vote opposes adding language to the state constitution to require valid photo identification to vote and authorizing the state legislature to pass laws to determine what qualifies as valid photo identification and exceptions to the requirement.
Why Vote No
- Wisconsin’s voter ID law disenfranchises eligible voters. Wisconsin's photo ID law is among the most restrictive in the nation. Research from VoteRiders, the Brennan Center, and the University of Maryland revealed that 34.5 million voting-age US citizens or 14.5% of eligible voters, lack an unexpired, acceptable photo ID, which can lead to difficulties at the polls as a result.
- The rigged state legislature isn't doing its job. Wisconsinites have had six confusing constitutional amendments on the ballot in the last year. We’ve had enough of these wide-sweeping, harmful amendments. Our legislators need to do their job – work with the governor to pass policies.
- Wisconsin is stronger when we stand together. The legislature continues to propose constitutional amendments while denying Wisconsinites the ability to propose their own citizen-led ballot initiatives. Enough is enough.
Who Opposes This Question
20+ organizations including League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, WAVE, Chippewa Valley Votes, Citizen Action of Wisconsin, ACLU WI, LIT, Wisconsin Muslim Civic Alliance, Wisconsin Justice Initiative Action, Souls to the Polls, Law Forward, Wisconsin Public Education Network, Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition, VoteRiders, Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools, Wisconsin Conservation Voters, BLOC, Common Cause Wisconsin, Wisconsin Interfaith Voter Engagement Campaign, EXPO, All Voting Is Local Action, and Wisconsin Justice Initiative.
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