Action Alert: Contact Your N.C. House Rep About House Bill 823

Action Alert: Contact Your N.C. House Rep About House Bill 823

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We urge you to contact your N.C. House representative about an expected vote on House Bill 823. The Senate has already passed their version, Senate Bill 406. Please act swiftly!
It is expected that 70% of additional vouchers funded in this bill would go to families of four earning more than $115,000 – and 23% would go to families earning $260,000 or more a year. 
With this bill, legislators are signaling that there are state funds available for Opportunity Scholarships at private schools, but not for adequately funding public schools, including providing critically needed higher teacher salaries.  
Letters, emails, and calls are needed now, relaying this simple message: 
"I am very concerned about the voucher program. Expanding the Opportunity Scholarship program so that it funds the wealthiest students is NOT a fair use of public money. In addition, private schools have very limited accountability, regarding both how well they are educating students and how they use the funds. Providing an additional $248 million on top of the $385 million already allocated for the 2024-25 school year is wrong for North Carolina.” 
“Perspective: Opportunity Scholarship Schools Fail to Provide Parents and the Public with Information for True School Choice” (Document by LWV member John Lee)

Public School Forum produced this excellent flyer
NC Justice Center: How Voucher Programs Undermine the Education Landscape in North Carolina

Letter from Every Child NC

Learn More About Our Public Education Action Team

League to which this content belongs: 
North Carolina