Action Alert: House Bill 237 Is an Attack on Free Speech

Action Alert: House Bill 237 Is an Attack on Free Speech

HB 237 graphic

House Bill 237 is an attack on free speech. It would increase fines for protesters and includes a provision that could change campaign finance safeguards.  

  • HB 237 grants the public the authority to demand individuals remove their masks, limits the types of masks that can be used for “health purposes,” and gives law enforcement discretion to determine what types of masks are allowed. This enables profiling and discrimination. 

  • HB 237 targets and penalizes people's right to use roadways and streets for protest and demonstration purposes.

  • Recent changes to the bill would allow federal political committees and organizations, like Super PACs, to make contributions to parties without fulfilling the reporting requirements provided by the State Board of Elections.

The bill is being heard by the N.C. House today, June 11. We have a small window to make our voices heard. Tell your representative to vote NO on HB 237.

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North Carolina