Jan. 26 Action Alert: Join Us in Demanding Fair Courts!

Jan. 26 Action Alert: Join Us in Demanding Fair Courts!


You may have heard rumblings that the General Assembly may act to impeach Justice Earls and maybe Justice Ervin before the redistricting case is heard. That could mean that they would be on suspension at the time the case is heard.  
This was in the News & Observer on Jan. 20: “A GOP Analyst Mentions Impeaching NC Supreme Court Justices. Could It Happen?”

This was posted by NC Policy Watch on Jan. 25: “NC GOP’s Judicial Impeachment Threats Are a New Low in Trump-like Lawlessness”

The Redistricting Roundtable, a coalition that counts LWVNC as a member, has produced a set of talking points and references that you may find useful, if you want to inform/advocate on this issue. 

This redistricting struggle will be a nail-biter to the very end. Let's try to summon up some strength to keep fighting for our democracy! 

League to which this content belongs: 
North Carolina