With the help of the 2021 AAJ Grant distributed by the SOLVE Coalition and the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, The League of Women Voters of North Carolina contracted with League member Danielle M. Ward to research voting districts in counties across North Carolina and provide a report of her findings. Her report can be found on the LWVNC website.
After editing the report to cut information intended only for LWVNC internal use, we have now
shared the report to be used as a reference and a tool by all those advocating for voting
districts that are equitable and provide greater opportunities for minority groups to elect
officials who represent their interests. While LWVNC will continue to work on statewide issues
regarding gerrymandered Congressional and General Assembly voting districts, we feel that we
provide a service by bringing greater attention to local voting maps.
Perhaps the most dramatic fact that emerges from the report is that as many as 39 counties in
North Carolina still have all At-Large voting systems. Such districts make it exceedingly difficult
for people of color to win elections. This not only perpetuates systems that fail to reflect the
diversity in our communities but discourages participation in the democratic process.
We are encouraging our partners and friends to share this report, asking that due credit is given
to Danielle M. Ward and the League of Women Voters of North Carolina.
In keeping with the recommendations in the report, the LWVNC Redistricting Team is looking at
counties where LWVNC has a presence and where we might be able to help local groups or
individuals seeking voting map reform. At present, Alamance County, and the local group
Alamance for Good Government (A4GG) is emerging as a partner. Further information will be
shared as we move forward.
Gary Kenton
LWVNC Redistricting Team Chair