LWVNC’s December 2021 Newsletter

LWVNC’s December 2021 Newsletter

Moore County gathering

Greetings to my fellow Leaguers: 

It's hard to believe that 2021 is nearing the end of the year. Here we are in December and still so much work to be done to have our vote count in all elections. I am totally shocked that we, as a nation, are talking about voting rights being jeopardized in our nation. What has our world come to! We are a democracy, and we have a right to vote in all elections without any interruptions. We must continue to reach out to our representatives in Congress and make sure they understand that they cannot take our freedom to vote away from us!
North Carolina has released their new redistricting maps, and they are HORRIBLE! They did not listen to any of the public comments that were presented at the limited public events. Why? They were only following "procedures for redistricting" in having limited public testimony events. To me, it was just a "show and tell" – they don’t believe they have to listen to the public. Make your voices heard to your local representatives and to Congress. We are a democracy, and we voted them into office – they are supposed to be helping citizens in their community. We are watching, and the polls will reflect our feelings. 
On a happier note, our many leagues have been working diligently to educate their communities about voting rights, ERA, environmental needs, education, redistricting, and more. I am so proud of what our leagues have been doing. You will see from this newsletter – nothing can stop us! We move forward and not one step back! Keep continuing to spread the word about democracy and the League!  
I thank you for all you are doing for your communities. Remember, we are a volunteer organization that works for people's rights. We need your continued support through your donations and time. Give what you can and move us forward. We still have a lot of things to complete this coming year, and we definitely need your continued support.  
On behalf of the LWVNC Board of Directors and myself, I want to wish you all a very healthy and safe holiday season as you share with your families and friends. Continue to work with us! We need you!

Jo Nicholas, President, LWVNC, Inc. 



League to which this content belongs: 
North Carolina