LWVNC’s February 2022 Newsletter

LWVNC’s February 2022 Newsletter

lwv turns 102

Greetings to my fellow Leaguers –
Happy belated new year to all of you! Our work is not finished. 

So much is happening with our voting rights, and we need to be diligent in making sure our communities are aware of these attacks! What is wrong with our legislators? Why are they not working together, and why are they attacking the very people they should be working for?

I urge you to make sure your communities are aware of the federal voting rights bills that are being attacked. This is reminiscent of when women had to organize for a long period just to get their right to vote. Now we are continuing to have to fight for this constitutional right – WE CAN VOTE!
No one should be denied that right. Keep fighting and moving forward. Contact your legislators and representatives in Congress. Use the resources able to you through LWVUS. Make your voices heard! "Move forward, not one step back," as my friend the Rev. Dr. William Barber stated many years ago. Our fight is not over!
On a happier note, we are anxiously awaiting our Council meeting that right now will be held April 1 and 2 in Morehead City. You received your invitation to register and information about hotel accommodations. (See the registration information here.) 

An exciting and energizing agenda is being designed and will be shared in the upcoming weeks. One exciting part is for your leagues to "put on your creative hats" and participate in our “We Did It” awards, where you can share what your League has accomplished since Covid began. Think outside the box! I look forward to seeing what you produce! Learn by scrolling down on this page.
In the meantime, at the state level, we have a committee that has been working on organizing our state programming that has been approved over many years. Wait until you see what they have produced for you at Council. It is quite extraordinary. 
I look forward to seeing our leaders on our continued Presidents' Zoom Calls every month. If you are not a president, ask your leader to share information from these calls. Keep working hard, and be safe. 
Thanks for all you do!

Jo Nicholas, President, LWVNC, Inc. 




League to which this content belongs: 
North Carolina