Feb. 15, 2022 – Along with 38 other organizations such as ACLU of NC, Common Cause, and Democracy NC, LWVNC has signed onto a letter asking legislators to draw maps that reflect the vibrancy and diversity of North Carolina — and in such a manner that builds confidence in the process.
The NC Supreme Court has given legislators until Feb. 18 to submit new congressional and legislative maps. In the letter, the signees ask legislators to engage in an open process which includes performing all mapmaking in the public view with transparency about any assistance provided to mapmakers; release any and all draft maps to the public in a timely manner; and take into consideration the full range of public comment provided throughout the redistricting cycle.
"The maps you draw are not just political in nature — they have real, long-lasting consequences on communities across North Carolina," the letter states.
Read the entire letter here. A press conference will take place at the General Assembly on Feb. 15 at 11 a.m. LWVNC President Jo Nicholas is among the speakers. Get more information here.
LWVNC encourages North Carolinians to make their voices heard on this issue. Contact your legislators, post to social media, submit letters to the editor, and spread the word within your community. This toolkit offers contact information and talking points.