LWVNC's February 2021 Newsletter

LWVNC's February 2021 Newsletter

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Friends of the League –

What a month in our nation! We watched in horror as mobs attacked our nation's Capitol. Then there were threats of violence during the inauguration. But, thankfully, the mostly virtual inauguration was inspiring and accessible to all of us at home. What a sight to see pomp and circumstance during a pandemic, showing us that it can still be a rewarding time for new change.

We look forward to moving our "Defending Democracy and Empowering Voters” agenda. Hopefully, as more people receive the COVID-19 vaccine, we will be able to go back to our "normal" life. In the meantime, we must diligently protect ourselves and our families. That means our virtual meetings and gatherings will continue. The silver lining is that many members are able to participate in programs remotely who would otherwise miss those opportunities. We always value your input regarding programming that would be useful to you, so please keep those ideas coming
It's hard to believe that we are mid-(fiscal) year and still have lots to do. Many Leagues use the beginning of the calendar year as a time to set new goals. If there are ways your state board can help you achieve your objectives, please let us know how we can lend support. 

We want to continue to grow our leagues and educate our communities about our issues. One of those evolving issues is the work to ratify ERA. We have fought hard for this initiative, and I congratulate the ERA team for its power and persistence!  
Let's keep working to achieve our goals. Don't quit the fight. Keep moving and shaking to let all North Carolinians know the League of Women Voters of North Carolina is here!  
Thanks for all you do. Keep safe! 

In League,

Jo Nicholas, President, LWVNC




League to which this content belongs: 
North Carolina