LWVNC's June 2021 Newsletter

LWVNC's June 2021 Newsletter

Sue Engelhardt in Elizabeth City

Greetings my fellow Leaguers –

What an exciting convention we had for our members and delegates for the League of Women Voters of North Carolina! Even though it was all virtual, we had a smooth meeting with lots of interaction that was submitted by you! I certainly enjoyed watching the videos you designed for your League's shout out. (If you missed them, watch them here.) Thanks for completing that effort – it made our convention more personable. 

I want to thank you for all the positive notes we have received about how organized the event was. That is due to our communications team of Jennifer Rubin and Andrea Cash! Also, we thought it was great to have the "mini" sessions about things being voted on before the convention so we could answer any questions. All of your State Board was behind the scenes in planning the convention.  

Now we are moving onward and upward! I look forward to working with the new board members and wish those that are not returning to keep moving on. 

We'll be organizing ourselves as your board the beginning of June and will keep you informed of upcoming events and information. We do not have time to rest up if you have been following the news. We will be encountering voter suppression bills as well as examining redistricting efforts. Health care has some issues arising, particularly concerning women's rights. Our other issues are important also, so we'll keep the news coming to you.

I look forward to working with you for another two years – it's been most rewarding! I hope you have a relaxing summer, but keep watching for us!

In League,

Jo Nicholas, President, LWVNC, Inc. 




League to which this content belongs: 
North Carolina