This Mother’s Day, Fight for Equal Access to Reproductive Rights

This Mother’s Day, Fight for Equal Access to Reproductive Rights

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Public Statement
Date of Release or Mention: 
Friday, May 6, 2022

We celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend with heavy hearts. But we are resolved to double down on our efforts to ensure that all people should have equal access to reproductive rights. Today, we are experiencing a full-frontal attack on the right of anyone with a uterus to make their own reproductive decisions. But let’s be clear: Abolishing the constitutional right to make those choices does not do away with abortions. It just eliminates safe and legal procedures. And the effects will not be felt equally. According to The Associated Press’ analysis, minority women, already dealing with less access to health care, will be negatively impacted most.  

Without the legal equality guaranteed by the 28th Amendment – the Equal Rights Amendment – hostile legislators will continue to not only overturn reproductive rights, but gut other laws that have brought us the current degree of equality we have. As we said in our statement with ERA-NC Alliance and our other partners, publication and enforcement of the Equal Rights Amendment is literally a matter of life and death for millions in this country. 

As you gather this weekend to celebrate the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and sisters in your life, we urge you to not only gift them with cards, flowers, and brunch but also a determination to speak out on this issue and financially support the organizations on the front lines of this fight. Reproductive rights are human rights. Everyone deserves privacy and bodily autonomy. No exceptions. 

This is no time for silence. We need every voice in this fight. Understand candidates’ stances on equality before you vote in the primaries this month and in the midterms this fall. Help a friend who may otherwise skip this election to make a voting plan (VOTE411 makes it easy!). Write to your state legislators and our U.S. Senators and House members to express your outrage. 

Fundamental rights are under attack in the United States of America. 

The Board of Directors of the League of Women Voters of North Carolina 

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League to which this content belongs: 
North Carolina