Register Now for 2021 Convention

Register Now for 2021 Convention

2021 LWVNC convention

We hope to see you at LWVNC's 2021 Virtual Convention – Strengthening Democracy From the Ground Up – on Saturday, May 15, from 10 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 

Because this is a virtual event, the convention will focus exclusively on LWVNC business. An in-person meeting with a broader agenda is envisioned for the fall. Stay tuned for information about the opportunity to gather together later in the year! 

The May 15 convention will be held via Zoom. Registration will be $25 per person and can be paid via PayPal or personal check using this link. And here is the link to register.  Please remember to complete both steps of this process – pay and register. 

Voting delegates:

For guidance on voting delegates to Convention, refer to Article X of LWVNC bylaws. Delegates consist of:

  • Each president (or a designated alternate) 

  • One delegate from each MAL unit with a minimum of 7 members

  • Members of the board of LWVNC

  • Each league is entitled to one delegate in addition to the president (or alternate) 

  • Local Leagues with more than 35 voting members are entitled to one delegate for each additional fifteen members. The record of paid voting members as of 1/31/2021 determines the count and delegates may vote if the League has met its per-member-payments. MAL delegates may vote if annual LWVNC dues are current.


See you on May 15!

League to which this content belongs: 
North Carolina