Week of Aug. 9 Action: Let Our Legislators Know You Demand #FairMaps

Week of Aug. 9 Action: Let Our Legislators Know You Demand #FairMaps

speak out for fair maps week of aug 9

The redistricting process in NC kicks off this week (week of Aug. 9), as you probably know. Please take the time to make your voices heard as our legislature decides what our districts will look like for the next decade! 

As outlined in this letter that we, along with nine other voting rights groups in NC, sent to state legislators last week, an open process for drawing the state’s legislative and Congressional districts is essential to our democracy. 

On Monday, the Joint Redistricting Committee chairs (comprised of select members of the NC House and NC Senate) will propose redistricting criteria, explicitly stating what criteria they will use to draw the maps. The committee will meet at 3 pm. You can listen to the discussion here

On Tuesday morning (8:30 am), citizens can attend in person to offer comments. (Go to room 544 of the Legislative Office Building at 300 North Salisbury Street in Raleigh.) This is the ONLY chance to comment in person on what criteria will be used to draw the maps. They vote on Thursday. If you cannot attend this meeting, stream it here

If you cannot make your comments in person, please submit your remarks to an online comment portal that can be found hereRemember, you are speaking as a private citizen; do NOT list the League in the organization field. 

Unsure of what to say? The letter we sent to the legislators is a great place to start in terms of talking points. 

In addition, LWV-Wake County has put together a comprehensive Action Alert for this week. It includes everything you need – meeting information, legislator contacts, social media contacts, and talking points. Even if you only have a few minutes to spare, there is something you can do to help.

Please share this information widely – there is strength in numbers as we demand #fairmaps! 

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League to which this content belongs: 
North Carolina