fgayewilliams [at] (Get Involved) fgayewilliams [at] (Request a Speaker)
When politicians draw their own districts, we, the voters, lose! Naturally, they draw safe districts for themselves and their party. That’s called gerrymandering. When one party is in charge of drawing the maps, they can rig election outcomes so that the winners of most seats are predetermined and their party is all but guaranteed to keep the majority. As a result, gerrymandering undercuts accountability to the voters, the very essence of democracy.
Your help is needed to achieve reform that puts voters, not politicians in charge of the redrawing. We know that we will have another redistricting process in 2031, after the 2030 census.
The best solution, being adopted by states across the country, is a citizens’ commission that draws the maps in an open, participatory process, following strict criteria, and limiting the role of the legislature. Please join us as we work to:
6 Things You Can Do to Promote Fair Maps
Local League Highlights
The strength of the League is in its local Leagues, from Henderson and Asheville in the west to Lower Cape Fear, Carteret, Dare, and Northeastern (centered in Elizabeth City) on the coast. Most of the Leagues have a redistricting team, organizing public education programs and working with their elected officials. What a great group!
Action Team Leader
Contact the Team Leader: Gaye Williams, fgayewilliams [at]