MidSandhills MAL Unit's People Powered Day of Action

MidSandhills MAL Unit's People Powered Day of Action

fair maps act
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - 4:30pm

The MidSandhills MAL Unit invites nonresidents of Scotia Village to join virtually via Zoom as Jennifer Bremer offers a presentation on redistricting – what it is, why it is important, how it works in NC, and the impact of the delay of the census data. She will also let attendees know about the April 29th day of action plans (learn more here). Residents of Scotia Village will gather in person in the MMEC Activities Room (limit of 25 people, must wear masks, social distance). 

Please go to the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/LWVNCmidsandhills for details.  If anyone wants to attend the April 21st program via Zoom, email mroblee [at] sc.rr.com to receive the link.