2024-2025 Local Program

2024-2025 Local Program

The goal for the 2024-2025 Local Program of the League Women Voters of Central Delaware County is to develop committees to address and work on local program initiatives with the intent to become more active and involved in all the communities we serve.

I. GOVERNMENT: Engage members and community in all levels of government. 

A. Voting Rights and Participation through Education and Action:

  1. Protect the right to vote and security of the election process for every Delaware County citizen. 

  2. Encourage everyone to participate in the electoral process.

a) Conduct voter registration drives and voter information events.

b) Educate voters through candidate forums. 

c) Promote and expand Vote411.org

d) Provide accurate information to community groups about voting and election procedures. 

e) Work with schools to build awareness of the importance of voting and how governments work.

f) Continue voter education for in-person voting and/or mail-in voting and election security.

g) Monitor PA and local legislation and election regulations related to voting rights and oppose legislation regarding voter suppression.

h) Continue efforts to allow eligible prisoners to register to vote and use mail-in ballots to vote.

i)  Work with our partners that are part of the LWVCDC Voter Engagement Coalition.

j) Encourage our members to be poll workers.

B. Municipal Government and Services: Enable members to understand the role of local government.

  1. Continue to develop a “Know Your Community” model for each municipality our members represent.

  2. Continue to support the initiatives of the Delaware County Health Department.

C. State and Federal Governments: Engage members and community in the legislative process. 

  1. Conduct Legislator outreach. 

  2. Monitor government activities and take appropriate action. 

  3. Inform community members of government actions.

  4. Advocate for legislation that meets member and community needs related to LWV positions.

  5. Support LWVPA and LWVUS proposals and positions.

II. EDUCATION: Support excellence and equity in our public school systems. 

A. Support the equitable distribution of state funding for K-12 education.

B. Continue to develop Civic Education resource materials and presentations to be used in schools. 

C. Continue our leadership role with the Regional Adolescent Sleep Needs Coalition (RASNC.com

D. Continue our leadership role focusing on the impact of social media on the mental health of youth.

III. NATURAL RESOURCES: Support management and protection of natural resources in the public interest, including planning, land use, environmental quality and safety in our communities.  

A. Preservation and protection of open space for public use and monitor enforcement of land use ordinances.  

B. Advocate for renewable clean energy resources.

C. Monitor legislation that impacts the environment within Delaware County.

D. Promote the work of LWV of Delaware County Environmental Committee and Delaware County Environmental Clearinghouse envirodelco.org.

IV. CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND PRISON REFORM: Monitor and advocate for improving the criminal justice system in Delaware County working with Delaware County officials and advocacy groups.

V. DIVERSITY, EQUITY and INCLUSION: Support the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policy, positions and programs of the LWVUS and LWVPA Equity Initiative.

A. Use the LWV DEI Lens with all program and event development. 

Adopted at the LWVCDC Annual Meeting on June 11, 2024