All Oconee and Pickens Counties Subscribed Action Alerts

LWVSC Action Alert

Action Alerts

H.5399, an extreme abortion ban, moves to the Senate for debate next week. 

Before September 7, contact your Senator. Again. Identify yourself as a CONSTITUENT and tell them to vote NO. 

Pack the State House in a show of opposition at 10 am, Tuesday, September 6 (Medical Affairs Subcommittee) and 10 am, Wednesday, September 7 (full Senate debate). 
LWVSC Action Alert

Action Alerts

We need YOU —and your power as a constituent—as the Senate takes up draconian abortion legislation on September 7.

No set of exceptions will make this legislation —or the “heartbeat” bill already in effect— acceptable. Call your senator and the Senate leadership. Keep up the pressure!

Time for Action

Action Alerts

At this critical moment in our nation’s history, as the freedom to vote remains under threat, we need pro-voter legislation more than ever! Tell your senators to vote yes on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and live up to the full promise of American democracy.

LWVSC Alert: Committtees to hear bans in mid-August

Action Alerts

Both houses are moving forward with abortion bans. The League opposes the proposed bans in their entirety. Read our testimonies: 

PDF icon 8.16.2022 House Special Laws Subcommittee Testimony H.5399

PDF icon 8.17.2022 Senate Medical Affairs Committee Testimony S.1327, S.1373, S.1348

LWVSC Alert: Committtees to hear bans in mid-August

Action Alerts

During the week of August 15, committees in both Houses will hear abortion bills: 
Email all committee members NOW to #StopTheBansSC.
Time for Action

Action Alerts

Corporations and wealthy individuals should not have the power to make undisclosed political contributions that influence elections. Disclosure of large political spending should be the bare minimum requirement.

Contact your senators today and tell them now is the time to root out dark money by passing the DISCLOSE Act.

LWVSC Action Alert

Action Alerts

House Bill H.5399 would ban all abortions in all circumstances. This bill threatens the rights and bodily autonomy of women —not only our moral agency and personal dignity but our lives. The 2021 “heartbeat” law should be repealed and further attempts to restrict abortion prior to viability should cease.

Email to #StopTheBansSC. PDF icon Read our testimony.

Action Alert

Action Alerts


Congress Must Act to Protect the Nation from the Plague of Gun Violence

Protect Reproductive rights

Action Alerts

The time has come for Congress to protect reproductive rights
