Stop the bans! Act now and be counted.

Stop the bans! Act now and be counted.

Time Range For Action Alert: 
August 10, 2022 to August 18, 2022

 your voice matters

Both houses are moving forward with abortion bans. The League opposes the proposed bans in their entirety. It's time to stand up and be counted.

The current bills are draconian in their violation of the rights of all who are or can become pregnant, not even providing exceptions for the health of the mother. However, no set of exceptions will make these bills —or the “heartbeat” bill already in effect— acceptable. Our written testimony on H. 5399 outlines our concerns.

House Abortion Bans

The House Ad Hoc Committee chaired by Rep. McCravy finished its work and forwarded H.5399 to the House Judiciary Committee, where it has been sent to the Special Laws Subcommittee. 
On Tuesday, August 16, 10 a.m., the Special Laws Subcommittee of the House will meet to take up H.5399 SC Human Life Protection Act, which outlaws abortion. The only exception is to prevent the death of the pregnant person, with no exceptions even to preserve their health.

At 1 p.m. on the same day the full House Judiciary Committee is expected to take up the bill. No oral testimony will be taken during the subcommittee meeting. 

Take action! 

By Tuesday, August 16: 

Senate Abortion Bills 

The Senate Medical Affairs Committee will take up abortion-related bills the following day, Wednesday, August 17, at 10 a.m.  Bills to be considered are S.1327 Abortions: Prohibit Performance or Induction of Abortion (Grooms) and S.1373 Abortions (Cash). The League OPPOSES both.
Invited testimony will be taken in the morning. Oral testimony will be taken in the afternoon beginning at 12:30 p.m., but only from persons who signed up online, who will be allotted 3 minutes each. (League lobbyist Lynn Teague is # 33.)

Take action! 

Before Wednesday, August 17, urge legislators to reject S.1327 and S.1373. 

  Senate Medical Affairs Committee    
Danny Verdin, Chair 803-212-6250    
Thomas C. Alexander 803-212-6220 Marlon Kimpson 803-212-6132
Margie Bright Matthews 803-212-6008 Dwight A. Loftis 803-212-6100
Richard Cash 803-212-6124 Shane R.Martin 803-212-6420
Tom Corbin 803-212-6100 Mia McLeod 803-212-6016
Michael W. Gambrell 803-212-6032 Harvey S. Peeler,  Jr.  803-212-6430
Brad Hutto 803-212-6140 John L. Scott, Jr. 803-212-6124
    Sandy Senn 803-212-6116

Contrasting with these draconian bills, S.1348 Reproductive Rights Act (Hutto) would preserve and protect reproductive rights in South Carolina.

Take action! 

Before Wednesday, August 17, contact your senator to support S.1348 Reproductive Rights.

August 17 rally, Columbia

The League joins our South Carolina allies in the fight for reproductive rights. If  you can, stand up and be counted with Planned Parenthood and others on August 17. 

Take action!  

On Wednesday, August 17, at noon: 

  • Participate in the rally organized by Planned Parenthood outside the Gressette Building (south of the State House.) Read more. 
Issues referenced by this action alert: