Find More Opportunities to Take Action By Joining Our Outreach Circle

Find More Opportunities to Take Action By Joining Our Outreach Circle

Members holding vote signs
Time Range For Action Alert: 
July 2, 2021 to July 1, 2023

Follow Us on OutreachCircle!

Want to stay engaged with empowering voters and defending democracy efforts? Follow the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin and The League of Women Voters US on OutreachCircle, our one-stop shop for resources, action alerts, and volunteer opportunities. You can even use this tool to send emails and texts to your network and post on social media! We regularly posts updates on our Circle to ensure our supporters stay in the loop!

Click here to follow the LWVWI OutreachCircle or search for "League of Women Voters of Wisconsin" in the OutreachCircle app today!

Click here to follow the LWVUS OutreachCircle or search for “League of Women Voters US” on the OutreachCircle app today!

Your local League may also be on OutreachCircle. Try searching for their League name and follow them if you can.

OutreachCircle Supporter Kit

Want to sign up for OutreachCircle, but need some help? Have you already signed up for OutreachCircle, but would like more information on how to follow Circles and take actions? No problem! Check out our OutreachCircle supporter kit that outlines step-by-step how to sign up and use OutreachCircle. Check it out!