Protect Wisconsin Wetlands, Which Protect Us from Floods

Protect Wisconsin Wetlands, Which Protect Us from Floods

Time Range For Action Alert: 
October 16, 2017 to October 31, 2017

A bill circulating in the WI state legislature would allow wetland destruction with no DNR oversight, if the developer pays to restore some wetlands somewhere else. This is so bad, it needs to be stopped before it gains momentum. 

The bill applies to non-federal, or “isolated,” wetlands, but don’t let that fool you. These wetlands comprise an estimated 20% of all wetlands in the state – approximately one million acres – and they connect hydrologically to surface and groundwater in many valuable ways. They provide critical functions, including protecting people and property from floods. Under this bill, there will be NO protections for these vital wetlands. 

Call your state Senator and Assembly Representative and urge them NOT to co-sponsor LRB-4115/1 and LRB 4410/1.

To find out who your own legislators are, click here and enter your address under "Who Are My Legislators?" by the little map of Wisconsin.