Call to Action - Time for Nonpartisan Redistricting
Having the freedom to elect your representatives in a fair contest shouldn’t be a partisan issue. It’s a fundamental citizen right. Yet Wisconsin’s system for drawing voting districts has been abused and distorted by partisan politicians seeking to preserve their own interests instead of ours.
Both parties have been guilty of manipulating voting districts. That’s why there are court cases in both red states and in blue states. What these states have in common is that they allow politicians to draw the voting maps. This allows them to “choose their voters” rather than the other way around.
The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin has supported nonpartisan redistricting since the 1970s -- because we believe that fair voting maps are essential in order for our government to reflect the will of the people,rather than the will of the special interests.
It’s because of gerrymandering that, in Wisconsin, legislative leaders have been able to ignore the calls of 37 county boards, 20 editorial boards around the state, and thousands of League members and others who have been calling for redistricting reform. When politicians are in "safe districts" they don't need to be as accountable to the people.
In the past three legislative sessions, bills have been introduced to adopt the very successful nonpartisan redistricting plan that is used in our neighbor state of Iowa. It is more fair and accountable than Wisconsin's system, and it would save taxpayer dollars. But the legislative leaders listed below have refused even to hold a hearing on those bills.
These partisan players say they can’t deal with the issue while Wisconsin’s gerrymandered maps are in the Supreme Court. That is a ruse. There is no reason why a pending SCOTUS case on a specific set of egregious maps would mean that lawmakers in Wisconsin can’t do the right thing and reform a seriously flawed system.
Contact some or all of the lawmakers listed below and demand that they convene specifically to hold a hearing and pass a Fair Maps bill. (Because the Assembly adjourned early, they will have to convene in either Special Session, which the Governor has to call, or Extraordinary Session, which legislative leadership can call.)
Sen. Scott Fitzgerald -- Ask him to convene the Senate in Extraordinary Session to pass Redistricting Reform.
Sen.Fitzgerald [at] legis.wisconsin.gov ()
Rep. Robin Vos -- Ask him to reconvene the Assembly in Extraordinary Session to pass Redistricting Reform.
Rep.Vos [at] legis.wisconsin.gov ()
Gov. Scott Walker - Ask him to convene a Special Session to pass Redistricting Reform.
Rep. Kathy Bernier, Chair, Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections -- Tell her you want a Special or Extraordinary session on Redistricting Reform.
Sen. Devon LeMahieu, Chair, Senate Committee on Elections and Utilities -- Tell him you want a Special or Extraordinary session on Redistricting Reform.
Your own Assembly Representative and State Senator -- To find your own legislators, click here and enter your address above Find Your Legislators, near the little map of Wisconsin. Tell them to demand a Special or Extraordinary session on Redistricting Reform.
Don’t give these partisan actors a pass. Don't let them make excuses.They can deal with this problem in special or extraordinary session, and it has nothing to do with the case currently in the Supreme Court. Tell them that nonpartisan redistricting works in Iowa, and we deserve a chance to make it work for us in Wisconsin too!