2020 Election Impact in Wisconsin

2020 Election Impact in Wisconsin


Read more about how the League of Women Voters served Wisconsin voters in 2020.

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2020 Election Impact in Wisconsin

How the League of Women Voters served Wisconsin voters in 2020

  • Voter registration assistance given to 60,000 Wisconsinites through in person outreach, text banking, phone banking, and other voter engagement activities.
  • Absentee voting outreach to over 1 million Wisconsinites through text banking, postcards, social media outreach, and other voter activities.
  • Voter education reach - over 6.5 million through printed and digital voter guidea, candidate forums, text banking, radio ads, postcards, social media outreach, responding to voter inquiries and other voter engagement activities
  • Defended voting rights of 4.4 million voters
    • Took legal action to prevent voter purge and to protect voting rights during the pandemic
    • Monitored in person voting, central count ballot processing, post election equipment audits and the recount through our nationally recognized election observation program and voter experience survey
    • Worked with elections officials to adopt pro-voter best practices

Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy

The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin is a grassroots, nonpartisan political organization that advocates for informed and active participation in government. There are 20 local Leagues in Wisconsin.

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