COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information

Voting in a time of Coronavirus

This is a challenging time. It’s probably safe to assume you’ve shifted your priorities in every aspect of your life. We understand, and we’re with you. Bills, schedules, kids, social distancing – with so much uncertainty, it’s easy to feel powerless.

Your safety, the safety of your family, and the safety of your community are our top priorities. As the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic continues to affect more and more communities across the country, we wanted to create a space to provide you with important COVID-19 information.

General Information About COVID-19

Important Election Information


We are encouraging all voters to request absentee ballots for the rest of the year. Voters can do that at

Many of us are voting absentee for the first time. It's important that you follow the instructions to ensure your ballot is counted. Watch the video below that walks you through how to successfully compete your absentee ballot and return it to your clerk. Note: You need a witness to sign your absentee ballot certificate on the return envelope.


(Film credit City of Madison)

Absentee Voting FAQs

  • When do I need to return my absentee ballot by?

Your completed absentee ballot must be delivered no later than 8pm on Election Day. The U.S. Postal Service recommends you mail back your absentee ballot at least one week before Election Day to arrive in time.

  • Who can be my witness to complete my absentee ballot certificate?

Any adult, US citizen. 

  • I live alone and am social distancing. How do I get a witness to sign my absentee ballot?

The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) has suggested voters could try to have any of the following serve as a witness - and they can watch the voter sign by, for example, looking through a window.

  1. A Family Member (Including a Spouse)
  2. A Friend
  3. A Roomate
  4. A Neighbor
  5. Mail Delivery Persons
  6. Grocery/Food Delivery Persons
  7. Medical Professionals

If you need further assistance with this requirement, please feel free to call or text the Voter Helpline: (608) 285-2141. Volunteers will be able to provide guidance and may be able to provide in person assistance if needed.

  • I requested an absentee ballot, but it hasn’t shown up. Can I still vote in person?


  • I received my absentee ballot, but if I mail it now, I worry that it won’t be returned in time. Can I still vote in-person?

Yes. Or, you can fill out your absentee ballot and drop it off (or have someone drop it off for you) at your municipal clerk’s office (or other designated drop off location), or on Election Day at, your polling place. 

  • What should I do if I made an error on my absentee ballot? Can I get a new one?

Yes. You can get a replacement ballot by contacting your municipal clerk. You could also  “spoil’ your ballot by ripping it and disposing of it, and go and vote-in person.

As we all practice social distancing, is an increasingly important resource for voters. LWVUS is committed to keeping the site up to date with changes in election procedures due to the pandemic. It is also an invaluable resource for voters to find unbiased candidate information from their own homes.


Registering to vote is the first step to participating in our democracy. If you have moved, changed your name, or have not voted in a while, you might need to re-register. Now is the time to get registered or verify that your registration is current. If you need to, you may also register to vote at the polls on Election Day.

Register to vote online at 

Tips for Anyone Voting in Person. Please Stay Safe Out There.

  • Review your ballot online before you go to the polls. That will give you a chance to research candidates in advance to minimize the amount of time you have to spend at the polls.
  • Check your polling place and/or call your municipal clerk before you go. Polling places have changed in many communities.
  • Bring your Acceptable Photo ID to vote. 
  • Plan to go during "off-peak" hours - Polls are open 7am-8pm on Election Day. The busiest times are 7am-9am, 11am-1:30pm, and 5pm-7pm.
  • If your polling place is offering drive-through voting, take advantage of it.
  • Consider bringing your own black pen for marking your ballot.
  • If you must leave your car to vote, practice social distancing. Wash your hands before & after you vote. 
  • Be patient and courteous. Election workers are doing their best under difficult circumstances. 
  • Reminder: You have the right to take up to 3 hours of unpaid time off from work to vote. You just need to give your employer at least 24 hours notice and they can pick which hours you take.


League of Women Voters COVID-19 Related Action

The League has joined with coalition partners to sign on to multiple letters to our Governor, Legislature and Wisconsin Elections Commissions seeking action on COVID-19 to ensure the safety of our communities throughout the pandemic and for the safety of voters and poll workers on Election Day.

League to which this content belongs: 