League in the Spotlight: LWV of the Greater Chippewa Valley

League in the Spotlight: LWV of the Greater Chippewa Valley

Member's Spotlight

LWV GREATER CHIPPEWA VALLEY is feeling excitement and pride. They were notified this week of being officially recognized as a new local Wisconsin League by LWV US. Welcome and congratulations to all 60 members!

LWV GCV Co-President Kitz Cleary summarized their journey. “Just over a year ago, Andrea Kaminski drove out to Menomonie to give us the basics of forming a League. Forty-four people astonished us by turning out to that meeting and an additional dozen returned the next day to listen to the specifics of how to do it.”

LWV GCV was quick to build a strong public presence in the Chippewa Valley region through frequent voter registration events, issue forums on Gerrymandering, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, and Local Control, a school board candidate forum, and a fresh website – www.lwv-gcv.org. Behind the scenes, study groups have been hard at work researching the local impact of health care, education, poverty, and environmental issues. What a journey! We're happy to have you as part of the League family.

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