League in the Spotlight: LWV of Milwaukee County

League in the Spotlight: LWV of Milwaukee County

keep families together
Member's Spotlight

LWV MILWAUKEE COUNTY recently presented a highly informative public issues forum on Immigration Policies: DACA and Keeping Families Together, available for viewing on YouTube. The focus of the program was on DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and on policies that have separated families while in ICE custody. Kathleen Dunn, retired WPR talk show host,  moderated a presentation by three panelists including Atty Ed Fallone, Associate Professor of Law at Marquette University, Dr. Rachel Ida Buff, Professor of History at UWM, and Margarita Garcia-Rojas, UWM undergraduate majoring in Latin American Studies and History. The forum provided deeper understanding of key immigration issues and their impact nationally and locally, and promoted awareness of the League’s policy advocate role. The program video is excellent if you wish to learn what the law says about who’s entitled to enter our country lawfully, what the humanitarian crisis at the border is about, and what it’s like to grow up in an undocumented or mixed status family.

Informational handouts provided at the forum can be accessed on the LWV Milwaukee County website. The LWVUS position statement on immigration can be viewed in Impact on Issues, Guide to Public Policy Positions, page 89.    

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