League in the Spotlight: LWV Winnebago County

League in the Spotlight: LWV Winnebago County

Graphic for a League in the Spotlight article on LWV Winnebago County
Member's Spotlight

LWV Winnebago County Partners with Youth-Led Initiative, "Let’s Vote Wisconsin"

Two passionate Oshkosh West High School juniors, Simone LaBillois-Steffens and Anika Larson, launched an extraordinary youth voter initiative, Let's Vote Wisconsinn in August of 2020, To fulfill the mission of their nonpartisan movement - to empower students to become educated voters - LaBillois-Steffens and Larson developed online classroom resources for elementary, middle and high school students.

“We think it’s really important for kids in school to learn about voting from a young age. Then they’ll have the resources to become educated voters later on,” LaBillois-Steffens said. 

From the beginning, however, their goals included longer-term voter education advocacy work and they are now partnering with their local League, LWV Winnebago County, to introduce and pass legislation requiring one hour of voter education per K-12 school year. They have been busy meeting with Wisconsin legislators and their Voter Education Bill will be introduced in the state legislature in early June!

LaBillois-Steffens and Larson's exceptional youth-led voter education initiative is just one example of how youth today are already politically engaged and why the League needs their voices at the table in equal partnership. 

Listen to a FOX News11 Interview with Anika and Simone from September of 2020.

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