League of Women of Wisconsin Responds to SCOWI Maps Decision
MADISON— Today, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin’s executive director, Debra Cronmiller, issued the following statement in response to the SCOWI decision regarding the new maps.
“We are pleased that the Supreme Court of Wisconsin has chosen a map that more accurately reflects the communities of color in Milwaukee based on the 2020 Census.
“Regardless, the Court rejected any maps that did not start with the past decade’s partisan gerrymandered maps. The Court refused to hear any truly fair maps, despite an overwhelming majority of Wisconsinites wanting fair maps.
“The League will continue to fight for nonpartisan, transparently-drawn maps. We will continue to advocate for legislation that would make gerrymandered maps illegal in Wisconsin.
“Partisan maps are what keep elected officials from listening to their constituents.
“Voters pick their elected officials. Not the other way around.”
The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin is a nonpartisan political organization that advocates for informed and active participation in government. There are 20 local Leagues throughout Wisconsin. More information at lwvwi.org.