ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to Oppose Federal Medicaid Cutbacks
The US Congress is in the process of considering a federal budget for the next fiscal year. The House of Representatives and the Senate have different versions, but both slash federal Medicaid funding.
The League of Women Voters supports access to adequate state and federally funded health and is STRONGLY OPPOSED to any Congressional action that cuts Medicaid eligibility and funding. About one out of every five Wisconsinites receives health care coverage and/or long-term care services through one of the state’s 19 Medicaid funded programs. That includes:
- 1 in 3 Wisconsin children across both rural and metro areas
- 1 in 3 Wisconsinites with disabilities
- 4 in 7 Wisconsin nursing home residents
- 1 in 6 Medicare beneficiaries in Wisconsin
- 1 in 7 Wisconsin adults ages 19-64, more than half of whom are parents/caregivers
Among the state programs that are funded through Medicaid are BadgerCare, Family Care, SeniorCare, IRIS, and SSI-related health coverage. The impact of these cuts would be felt in every corner of the state among every segment of the population. You can learn more about the range of programs funded by Medicaid in Wisconsin on the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website at https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/medicaid/index.htm.
In addition to the effect these cuts would have on the care people receive, the impact on the state’s health care workforce would also be devastating. An enormous number of health care industry jobs would be vaporized, dealing a crippling blow to the state’s economy.
Please call or write your federal Senators and Representative today and tell them to oppose any Congressional action that would cut Medicaid eligibility and funding. Find your legislators.