Triple Checking Election Results

Triple Checking Election Results

Time for another #BallotBulletin

Time for another #BallotBulletin where we highlight various election security topics so we are all better informed about the processes in place to ensure our elections are fair, accessible, and secure.

This week let's dive into how election results are Triple Checked! 

In Wisconsin, our commitment to fair and transparent elections is unwavering. And while the polls may close at 8 p.m. on Election Day, official results take time to compile. On election night, counties collect returns from their municipalities, and post the unofficial results on their websites. It’s important for voters to know that any election results reported on election night are unofficial until the results are triple checked.

After the polls close, election officials go through a rigorous process to triple check the results at the municipal, county, & state levels. Every vote cast is meticulously counted, verified, & audited not once, not twice but three times to ensure the utmost accuracy and reliability! It's normal for unofficial election results to change slightly as election officials conduct canvasses to ensure an accurate vote total while completing certification process. Election results become official after the chair of WI Elections Commission certifies the results.

The canvass & certification of election results can take 30+ days to complete after the election. While we're eager to know the results as soon as possible, we need to remember to be patient & give our election officials time to count every vote. Democracy is worth the wait!

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