Modern-day suffragists, young and old, women and men, gathered in the shadow of the symbolic Forward statue on Madison’s Capitol Square last Sunday to celebrate Wisconsin’s historic ratification of the 19th Amendment on June 10, 1919. Well over 150 people were in attendance, many costumed in white in homage to women who fought tirelessly over decades for women’s suffrage. A spirited program held the attention of the rain-soaked crowd, many of whom marched in line behind the Girl Scouts, rounding the Capitol in song led by the Raging Grannies.
The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin and LWV Dane County extend their appreciation and thanks to everyone who performed during the program, carried out activities along the sidewalk and contributed to the planning process. And, a special thank you to all the League members who came out in force to support the celebration!
Photos from the Event: