Be a Poll Worker

Be a Poll Worker

Dog with sign saying "sign up to be a poll worker"

Wisconsin needs people like you to serve as paid poll workers for the 2024 elections.

If you're looking for a way to make an impact in 2024, becoming a poll worker is one of the most vital roles you can play. Being a poll worker means helping people vote safely and ensuring as many people as possible can cast their ballot. 

Poll workers are important because they:

  • Create an accessible and inclusive environment where voters feel empowered and safe throughout the voting process. 
  • Serve their community. More poll workers mean more polling places. This keeps lines short and efficient for their neighbors. 
  • Play a vital role in upholding our democratic processes. And, they get hands-on insight into our safe, fair and free elections.

How do I sign up?

Visit and enter your information so your local clerk knows that you are interested in becoming a poll worker.


What will I do?

Poll workers check in voters, help people register to vote, check photo IDs, and process absentee ballots. Your local clerk will provide you with training before Election Day. 

You can help make our elections safer for all and ensure everyone has fair access to the ballot!