Watch the recording below!
Elections need to be fully funded. The proposed constitutional amendment on the April 2 ballot puts our elections at risk.
Join us to learn about the constitutional amendment questions that will be on your ballot on April 2 and why you should VOTE NO. Speakers will discuss the constitutional amendments in Wisconsin and what we can expect next.
Learn more about our speakers below.
Joan Schwarz is a retired civil law attorney and University Academic in Literature and Women’s Studies. At LWV Dane County, she has served as Membership Chair; Advocacy Chair and Lead member of the Judicial Integrity and Campaign Finance Committee. With LWVWI, Joan serves on the Legislative Committee; MENTOR Committee; Judicial Integrity and Redistricting committee.
Michael Haas is the Madison City Attorney. Haas worked for years as a private attorney and a municipal attorney for Stoughton, Edgerton and Milton. He later worked as a staff counsel and elections division administrator at the Government Accountability Board before becoming the interim administrator at the Wisconsin Elections Commission in 2016.