Case for Eliminating Structural Age Bias in League

Case for Eliminating Structural Age Bias in League

Event graphic for "The Case for Eliminating Structural Age Bias in League" on May 24 from 6-7 PM CST


Virtual Event
Monday, May 24, 2021 - 6:00pm to Tuesday, May 25, 2021 - 6:45pm

During the State League’s annual Plenary Session on Saturday, June 12, League members will be asked to vote on an action recommendation for eliminating age bias in League. This action recommendation was approved on April 17, 2021 by the LWVWI Board for consideration by membership at Annual Meeting. (See page 49-50 in the Plenary Packet for more information).

Specifically, the action recommendation calls for LWVWI to propose an amendment to the LWVUS Bylaws at the 2022 LWVUS Convention, that strikes the language, “at 16 years of age,” from the definition of voting members, which currently reads:

LWVUS Bylaws, ARTICLE III. Section 2a. Voting Members. Persons at least 16 years of age who join the League shall be voting members of local Leagues, state Leagues and of the LWVUS.”  

The May 24 program will explain the history and rationale for this action recommendation, encourage discussion on what it means to be in compliance - in principle and in practice - with our DEI Policy, and prepare you to make an informed vote on this issue.

There is no registration required for this event. You can join the event through this link.

The program will be moderated by Debra Cronmilller, LWVWI Executive Director, and include the following panelists:

Ellen Penwell (she/her/hers) is the membership and events manager for the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin. Ellen provides management support to local Leagues throughout the state, serves as the state League liaison with new League interest groups, heads the Membership and Leadership Development Program and coordinates the League’s statewide events. Ellen is a member of LWV Whitewater Area and served as its president for eight years. 





Lalia Ahmed is a freshman at Madison West High School who recently began exploring political engagement opportunities for youth in Wisconsin. Before collaborating with the League of Women Voters Dane County this year, she joined the High School Democrats of America, volunteered for democratic candidates in local elections and spent her 2020 phone banking with the College Democrats of UW-Madison. She continues to phone bank and volunteer, and enjoys playing instruments, writing for her school newspaper, reading, listening to music and trying out photography in her free time.



Miriam Simmons is currently on the Board of LWV-Minnesota as secretary and she was an advisor to LWV-Bloomington, Minnesota when they spearheaded a change to the LWV bylaws as to citizenship and age requirements for voting members. Miriam is also a professional registered parliamentarian and advises the state league on parliamentary matters.   





Evan Tess Murray (he/him/they/them) is the education and engagement projects manager for LWV Maine. Evan is a Mainer with a degree in sociology from USM. Their nonprofit and educational experience in equity and inclusion led them to the League and MCCE, where they can work to ensure that everyone has equal access to our government. Evan advises the LWV - Maine new Youth Council, which is a growing group of young students who take charge of getting out the vote in their schools and communities.  


Program handouts:

View a recording of this event here: