League of Women Voters of Greenwich Virtual Community Case Discussion

League of Women Voters of Greenwich Virtual Community Case Discussion

Graphic reading "League of Women Voters of Greenwich Fifth Annual Community Case Discussion"
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

The Case Method Institute (CMI) and the Greenwich League of Women Voters are hosting the League’s Fifth Annual Community Case Discussion on Zoom on Wednesday, November 10th at 6:00 p.m. (CT). The event will feature Harvard Business School Professor David Moss, who will be moderating the Madison case. This case centers on a key debate at the Constitutional Convention of 1787: Should the federal government have veto power over state laws? How much power - and what kind of power - should the federal government have over states? 

Register for the event: https://bit.ly/LWVG5thCommDiscussion 

Further information and materials will be sent directly to you after you register!

The Greenwich League would like to extend an invitation to other League chapters or high school teachers in your community (or state) to join us, especially those who are not yet involved with CMI and its work to strengthen civics and history education in high schools. This event will offer a unique chance to learn about the project by experiencing a case discussion firsthand.  Please extend this invitation far and wide!