LWV of Dane County: Saving Democracy: What’s Next for Wisconsin?

LWV of Dane County: Saving Democracy: What’s Next for Wisconsin?

Purple background with text reading "Saving Democracy: What’s Next for Wisconsin? A League of Women Voters of Dane County Virtual Lively Issues Forum"
Friday, January 8, 2021 - 1:00pm to 2:15pm

Wisconsin’s reputation as a beacon of democracy has been undermined over the last decade and is facing mounting threats since the 2020 elections. Our democracy is at risk, from authoritarianism to the big four: money in politics, elections security, voting rights, gerrymandering (all major concerns of the League). In recent days the Wisconsin Supreme Court has sided with unfair maps and the baseless investigation into the state’s election results is heating up.

What should defenders of democracy do now? 

Join Wisconsin Democracy Campaign's Matt Rothschild and LWVDC’s Joy Cardin as they talk with us about what we need to do to stop these assaults and make democracy better for all of us.


Matt Rothschild, the executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign and author of the new book 12 Ways to Save Democracy In Wisconsin will share ideas on how democracy advocates can stop the assault and move forward on issues to make democracy work better for everyone. He will also offer advice for activists to avoid burnout and remain hopeful about the future.

Joy Cardin is a retired WPR talk show host. She is a member of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin's board of directors and she is a member of the League of Women Voters of Dane County's Making Democracy Work subcommittee.