LWV Janesville: Forum - Carbon Neutrality for Janesville by 2050?

LWV Janesville: Forum - Carbon Neutrality for Janesville by 2050?


Virtual Event
Thursday, April 22, 2021 - 6:30pm to Friday, April 23, 2021 - 7:45pm

The League of Women Voters of Janesville, with co-sponsors the Welty Environmental Center and the Ice Age Trail Alliance, will host a virtual forum titeld "Carbon Neutrality for Janesville by 2050?" on Earth Day, Thursday, April 22, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.

The groups organized this forum in response to a resolution passed by the Janesville City Council in February that set the goal of reaching a carbon neutral emissions target by 2050. The resolution would be adopted in the city’s strategic plan for 2022. The purpose of the forum is to provide Janesville residents with the context and rationale for the resolution, and to discuss the challenges and opportunities the carbon neutrality goal presents to the city.

Panelists for the forum include:

  • Maggie Darr, operations director for the City of Janesville
  • Dan Cunningham, Forward Janesville
  • Wes Enterline, sustainability coordinator at UW-Whitewater
  • Jeff Hanson, Alliant Energy
  • Megan Levy, Wisconsin DNR
  • Andy Stoltman, Wisconsin DNR
  • Brenda Plakans, Welty Environmental Center
  • Dennis James, Ice Age Trail Alliance

This local event coincides with a statewide project of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin and the American Society of Civil Engineers—Wisconsin Section to support investment in sustainable infrastructure in Wisconsin.

You can register for the forum on the LWV of Janesville website to receive a weblink to the event. The forum will be recorded for later viewing.