LWV La Crosse Area Film Discussion: Amend: The Fight for America

LWV La Crosse Area Film Discussion: Amend: The Fight for America


Virtual Event
Wednesday, April 28, 2021 - 6:30pm to Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 7:45pm
Join LWV of La Crosse Area to share ideas about the 14th Amendment, which outlines the rights of citizens under the equal protection of the law.
Netflix has an excellent six part series entitled Amend: The Fight for America that explores the impacts of the 14th Amendment and how it’s affected everything from slavery to immigration, women’s voting rights and gay marriage. Will Smith is the series host.
On April 28, the first movie discussion event will cover episodes 1-3 which describe the Black struggle for equality. And then on May 13, we will discuss episodes 4-6, which deal with sexism, gay marriage and immigration.
If you don’t have Netflix, find a friend who does and have a movie night or two--then join us.
Register for this event here.