The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin hosted a compelling presentation on the vital investment in infrastructure!
Access the main takeaways from the presentation here, a sample letter to urge your representative to invest in infrastructure here and the slides here.
Trillions of dollars of proposed spending are contained in two infrastructure bills now before Congress: the $1 trillion "hard" infrastructure bill (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, or IIJA), and the massive $3.5 trillion "soft" infrastructure bill (the Ten-Year Budget Framework that emphasizes social/human infrastructure).
This online discussion will provide participants with key points to keep in mind when discussing these bills with League members, friends and co-workers, as well as legislators at the State and Federal level.
Too often the debate over infrastructure turns on whether the nation can afford to bring our infrastructure assets up to good working order, as if they are optional luxury expenditures. But, can the nation afford not to?
This presentation will feature Emeritus Professor William L. Holahan, former Chair of the Economics department at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and frequent contributor to League events on public policy. Professor Holahan will begin with a 30-minute presentation, which will be followed by 30 minutes of question and answer time, to be extended if energy and enthusiasm demand.