Senate Candidates Virtual Forum on War, Peace and Military Spending

Senate Candidates Virtual Forum on War, Peace and Military Spending

Event graphic
Tuesday, July 19, 2022 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm

This non-partisan virtual forum is being hosted by the Milwaukee Turners, in partnership with Friends Committee on National Legislation - Milwaukee and Madison Advocacy Teams; United Nations Association - Greater Milwaukee and Dane County chapters; End the Wars Coalition [Milwaukee]; Peace Action - Wisconsin; Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice; Wisconsin Coalition to Normalize Relations with Cuba; Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom - Milwaukee; and 16 other groups.

Senatorial candidates will each be asked several questions and have 90 seconds to respond.

The candidates attending will be State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, Kou Lee, Tom Nelson, Steven Olikara, Peter Peckarcky, David Schroeder, and Darrell Williams.Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes is unable to attend, but we'll share his recorded responses to the questions at a latter date.

Emilio De Torre of the Milwaukee Turners will be the moderator.