VOTE NO: Virtual Letter Writing Party

VOTE NO: Virtual Letter Writing Party

Virtual Letter Writing Party
Monday, August 5, 2024 - 6:00pm

We’ve demonstrated that when we show up and fight, we can win. Now more than ever, it’s all hands on deck, and we need your help.

The August Primary Election is rapidly approaching. Voters will be choosing candidates for various seats in the US Congress, Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly, and District Attorney’s Office. Plus, two critical constitutional amendments will be on the ballot, and we’re urging voters to Vote NO to maintain check and balances in our government.

Here's where you come in: Join us on Monday, August 5 from 6-7pm for a virtual letter writing party. Now is the time for us to join together and make sure voters are aware of these two constitutional amendments and have made their plan to VOTE NO. You won't want to miss this opportunity to volunteer and make a difference this election!

What we'll provide:

  • Training
  • List of voters to write letters to
  • Sample messages
  • Fun atmosphere and camaraderie with like-minded advocates

What you'll provide:

  • Access to a printer to print off your letters
  • Envelopes
  • Stamps
  • Pen for letter writing
  • A commitment to nonpartisan voter engagement

Register Here

Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.