Watch the LWVWI Fair Courts webinar series which took place throught Spring 2022.
Fair Courts Series: Understanding Wisconsin’s Courts and Judicial Elections
This webinar is an introduction to the structure and function of Wisconsin's courts, and the importance of voting and engaging in judicial elections. Speakers: Judge Paul Higginbotham was appointed to the District IV of the Wisconsin Court of Appeals in 2003 and was the first African-American to serve as a Wisconsin appellate court judge. Professor Jolly Emrey is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Political Science Department at UW-Whitewater. Emrey is also the Director at the Center for Political Science and Public Policy Research. Joy Cardin moderated the discussion. Cardin is a retired Wisconsin Public Radio talk show host.
Fair Courts Webinar Series: What's Undermining Our Courts?
The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin hosted a conversation about how money and weak recusal rules are undermining our courts. Speakers: Edward Fallone is an associate professor of law at Marquette University Law School. He ran for Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice in 2013 and 2020. Lisa Graves created True North Research and is its Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief. Jay Heck is the Executive Director of Common Cause in Wisconsin. CC/WI is Wisconsin’s largest non-partisan citizens reform advocacy organization with more than 2,500 members.
Fair Courts: Racial Discrepancies in Sentencing and Representation
A discussion on racial disparities in both sentencing as well as representation on the bench and in our law schools. Speakers: Jerome Dillard is the EXPO Statewide Director. He has a long history of working with and for system-impacted people. Pamela Oliver is professor emerita of sociology at the University of Wisconsin who has published many articles and a book on collective action and social movements. Ali Mahmood and Wendy Hoang are a third-year law student at Marquette Law school.